4.19 cts Congo Peach Tourmaline in 18k White Gold and Diamonds Vine Ring
Hey Loungers,
I don't believe we boast often about our recent creations but, we are very proud of this particular design!
The "Vine" collection as we are considering to call it now started, as it is often the case, by having several people giving fun inputs about designs and jewellery they'd like to have us make.
The first person to mention this design to me was none other than my very own mother, she saw something she liked and mentioned that, upon making a few modification and "messing" a bit with the design, this ring could turn our to be really fun. Right she was!
The second person was, while I was considering various modifications for my mother´s idea, one of my client and friend whom needed a stunning ring for her mother in law. I immediately proposed the design and, after a couple of alterations and choosing the centre stone, we decided for this design.
As I was writing these lines I received a lovely text message from the client that read: "Simon, its a total hit! Thanks for everything!". I could hardly ever receive a more pleasing comment about my work!
Should you wish to see this stunning piece of bespoke jewellery, we propose you to take a look at the following video and, as usual, do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or interest about our work!
See you in the Lounges,