A gem dealer's journal — ethical mining
A Gem Dealer’s Journal: Interview with an Early Adopter: Hemi Englisher
A Gem dealers journal ArjunaIrsuttiPhotography Asia Lounges asialounges Asscher Bangkok blog branding color type cut discovery ethical mining ethics fanta Field Gemology gem Gem Cutting Gem Scout gemological laboratory gemology gems gemstome Gemstone Hemi Englisher interview jedi lotus gemology Myanmar news one of a kind Photography Richard W Hughes Simon Dussart Simon Sai Dussart spessartite spinel Thailand tradition Yuval Englisher
AsiaLounges: I understand that you are, still to this day, the person that takes the pictures and takes care of the web site for your company. Do you believe that the period we are in, late 2020 early 2021, with COVID forcing us all to stay put that online sales are becoming the new normal? Is it, in your opinion, a viable alternative to trade shows such as the Hong Kong Gem and Jewellery show?
Hemi Englisher: Although technology today allows us to transfer images of very high quality, I still think that the personal touch, human interactions, is still prevailing. More than that, the proliferation of gem dealers on the internet is clearly bringing down the level of professionalism overall. While it is true that not every gem dealer is a gemologist, one must wonder, when reading things like “nearly eye clean”, “assuming no heat” or the fact that every square stone is considered to be an Asscher, whether there are any professional gem dealers left at all... That being said, whether internet and E-marketing is a threat to existing, established wholesalers, time will tell. Even as a school master of the old school, I really cannot say.
A Gem Dealer’s Journal: Interview With Richard W. Wise: Author of Secret of the Gem Trade:
A Gem dealers journal Asia Lounges asialounges Australia Bangkok brazil burma China colombia east africa emerald ethical mining ethics gems gemstome Gemstone GIA Hertian how to buy a gem interview Natural Gems nephrite origin Panama Jack pearl Richard Wise Secret of the Gem Trade Simon Dussart Simon Sai Dussart Tucson USA
Hey Loungers, Today we have the pleasure to welcome a gem dealer turned writer and novelist. He has been in the trade ever since the late 70’s and has toured the world in search for your favourite gems and their secrets for decades. It is in 2003 that he delivers his bestselling book Secret of the Gem trade and now have the pleasure to learn more about him and his path, Today we welcome Richard W. Wise, Here is Richard Wise in Hong Kong while on the hunt for pearls and jade in the early 90's - Photo Credits:...
A Gem Dealer’s Journal: Learning more about ethical rubies from Greenland with Hayley Henning
A gem dealer's journal Asia Lounges blog color type ethical mining ethics gem Gem Cutting gemological laboratory gems gemstome Gemstone greenland Greenland Ruby A/S Hayley Henning interview jewellery jewelry Lapidary lotus gemology Natural Gems origin rough ruby Simon Dussart treatment
Hey Loungers,
As you may have noticed in our recent interviews, the question of ethics and transparency in the gem trade is a bit of a recurring issue of late.
Today, we are lucky enough to have with us Hayley Henning from the Greenland Ruby A/S and we will be discussing just this: Ethics in the gem mining industry.
Greenland Ruby A/S is the only large scale gem mining company to operate under the European Union laws to my knowledge and perhaps the only ruby mine in the world that can claim to stand on ethical grounds.
Back to Hayley though, she has been working for various of the most iconic mining operations in the last twenty years among which the now known as Tanza One that she helmed for little under a decade!
Without any further delays we give you, Hayley Henning!