A gem dealer's journal — Navneet Agarwal
A Gem Dealer’s Journal: Interviewing Navneet Agarwal of Navneet Gems:
A Gem dealers journal Asia Lounges asialounges Australia Bangkok blog branding color type discovery east africa gem gemological laboratory gemology gems gemstome Gemstone GIA interview lotus gemology Natural Gems Navneet Agarwal Navneet Gems news sapphire Simon Dussart Simon Sai Dussart Succession tanzania tradition
Hey Loungers, Today we have the pleasure of interviewing Navneet Argarwal from Navneet gems and learn more about how and why he entered the trade. Today, Navneet is known for having a wide range of semi precious as well as for his love of teal sapphires! Navneet, the floor is yours, Navneet Agarwal is with us today - Photo Credits: Navneet Gems AsiaLounges: First of all thank you for being with us today in the Lounges. Can you tell us more about yourself? Who are you Navneet Agarwal? Navneet Agarwal: Hi, thank you for having me over today. It...