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A gem dealer's journal — guide

A Gem Dealer’s Journal: How Do Gem Labs Test Your Stones, with Lotus Gemology’s Billie Hughes:

A Gem dealers journal Asia Lounges asialounges Bangkok Billie Hughes blog color type gemological laboratory gemology gems gemstome guide heat treatment interview introduction to gemology jewellery jewelry lotus gemology Simon Dussart Simon Sai Dussart Thailand treatment USA

A Gem Dealer’s Journal: How Do Gem Labs Test Your Stones, with Lotus Gemology’s Billie Hughes:

AsiaLoungesFollowing your last answer, do you think that removing colour calls / colour types and origin determination in order to stick to strictly provable data would help labs to be more coherent with one another or is this a fool’s errand either way?

Billie Hughes: Certainly having fewer subjective factors on the report could reduce the number of discrepancies on lab reports on the market, but you wouldn’t eliminate them completely. There may also be ways to modify the way we treat color calls and origin determination that could create more consistent results without doing away with them altogether.

Color types like Pigeon’s Blood and Royal Blue can be highly subjective, so removing those from reports could create more consistency. But it wouldn’t fix the problem of subjective color calls on colored stone reports, because the nomenclature for colored stones has been inconsistent for many years. Many variety names rely on judgements on color. For example, distinguishing between ruby and pink sapphire or green beryl and emerald is subjective. Which tourmalines get called “rubelite” or “indicolite?” Is the trade comfortable with removing “Padparadscha” from sapphire reports? 

With regards to origin, moving to broader origin categories might be a middle ground between issuing very specific country of origin comments vs. getting rid of origin. For example, it can be difficult to separate blue sapphires formed in similar metamorphic deposits like Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and Kashmir (India). But the vast majority of these stones are easy to separate from blue sapphires from magmatic deposits like those in Australia and Thailand. Classifying stones in these kinds of categories would be more consistent. Stones from different types of deposits also tend to be more similar in appearance. However, there are always outliers so this wouldn’t eliminate the problem. Furthermore several years ago one of the world’s most well-known lab tried a similar system, and it never really took off. It seems the market was not ready for this type of system.

We must keep in mind that it is not as simple as just collecting data. How the data is collected can have an impact on results. A lot of our work involves the interpretation of data, and this interpretation is depending on the knowledge, attention to detail, and experience of the gemologist.

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A Gem Dealer’s Journal: Let’s talk about appraisal practice, gem market, and archaeogemology with Dr. Çiğdem Lüle.

A Gem dealers journal appraisal appraiser Asia Lounges asialounges Cigdem Cigdem Lule education gemological laboratory gemology GIA guide interview Simon Dussart Simon Sai Dussart

A Gem Dealer’s Journal: Let’s talk about appraisal practice, gem market, and archaeogemology with Dr. Çiğdem Lüle.

Hey Loungers, While most of those among you that know me know that I have always displayed a certain skepticism towards the appraisal world, it was, I must be honest, mostly born from a place of misunderstanding at best and complete lack of knowledge on the topic at worst. I was, somehow, looking at Rappaport and believed, perhaps foolishly, that appraisers and other pricing publications aspired to do the very same, I was wrong it seems. Having decided not to part ways with my legendary curiosity, I decided to go against my feelings and investigate a bit more about this...

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A Gems Dealer's Journal: A guide to gem buying and bespoke jewellery making!

A gem dealer's journal aigs ArjunaIrsuttiPhotography Asia Lounges Billie Hughes blog burma colombia color color type creations diamond garnet gem Gem Cutting gemological laboratory gems gemstome Gemstone gift gold guide hand made jewellery how to buy a gem how to make jewellery interview jewellery jewelry Lapidary lotus gemology madagascar mahenge Master Craftsman merelani Mozambique Natural Gems one of a kind origin Photography photomicrography ruby sapphire Simon Dussart Spinel SSEF tajikistan tanzania tourmaline treatment vietnam

A Gems Dealer's Journal: A guide to gem buying and bespoke jewellery making!

Hey Loungers,  While some of you may have already read our 2016 article on the topic, we figured that a little refresher probably couldn't hurt.  It is undeniable that nowadays the attraction for colour gem is on the rise yet, very few actually know what they are buying and this could lead to a somewhat rude awakening.  In this article we intend on discussing some of the main points that one needs to know when purchasing a gem such as: treatment, cut, clarity, carat weight, origin and of course the importance of a serious gemological report backing your purchase as well...

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